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The Credit People

The Credit People



  • The new year and springtime are traditionally the peak periods for buying a home, and you’re thinking it might be the right time to get yourself a new place. If that’s the case, the time is perfect to make sure your credit is in...

  • We have all been there – trying to be diligent about cleaning up our credit report of errors, paying the bills on time and even keeping the credit card balances in order. The benefit for that diligence is great – a high credit...

  • By: Alayna Pehrson - Digital Marketing Strategist for Best Company

  • In the late 1960s and early 1970s there were a number of books and films that showed people living in a dystopian world in which what made...

  • Why is your credit score important?

    Your credit score is ultimately the main factor when you are being considered for credit or lending of any kind. In fact, lenders have become so dependent on credit scoring that they now make separate...

  • While credit repair will correct the damage to your credit, the process will be more “hands on” for identity theft victims than for others without this circumstance. There will be steps that we will instruct you to do in order to put the brakes...

  • Despite over 1.5 million people filing last year, bankruptcy should be considered only as a last resort. The damages of bankruptcy to your credit reports are like a snow ball effect. After you file bankruptcy, every account on your credit...

  • When we speak of personal finance we often think of investments, 401Ks, savings, keeping to a budget, etc. But one...

  • You can save hundreds, if not thousands of dollars a year by actively transferring your credit card balances from high-interest cards to low-interest cards. If you have a decent credit rating, it’s easy to do—just open an account with one of the...

  • When it comes to our personal finances it’s important to effectively manage our money and keep expenses down. That...

  • There’s a lot of information out there about credit and how it works. And often much of it is contradictory or just plain hard to understand. So it’s not a surprise that a survey done recently by the site NerdWallet found many...

  • Most people don’t think about their credit until they have to use it. Take the example of a newly-wed couple dreaming of owning their first home. Each of them has been working for 5 years now, one or both have recently been given a pay raise,...

  • A look at how the face of credit repair has changed over the years.

    Credit repair has evolved. During the previous decade and earlier, the concept of credit repair held a mysterious and almost shameful association. Thankfully, those...


    Video by The Credit People


  • Unless you are living under a rock, there is no way you missed the birth of credit repair services and companies that promise they are able to '...

  • Need to fix your credit and boost your credit score?

    Well, you’re not alone…

    Still, it is not necessarily an easy thing to do. The best way to describe a credit score is like a...

  • The new year and springtime are traditionally the peak periods for buying a home, and you’re thinking it might be the right time to get yourself a new place. If that’s the case, the time is perfect to make sure your credit is in...

  • You’re entitled to one free credit report a year from each of the three nationwide credit bureaus – Experian, Equifax and TransUnion – and it’s important you take advantage of it. Your credit report contains where you live, as...

  • If you have already gotten your free annual credit reports within the last 12 month period and you don’t qualify for additional free reports, you'll have to pay a fee each time you order a copy of your credit report from a Credit Reporting Agency...

  • By The Credit People Staff

    “The American Dream” is a concept that has been around since the founding of our nation, and at the center of it has always been the idea of homeownership. Basically, The...

  • There are a lot of benefits to having a high credit score. The most obvious one is better access to credit. Someone with a high credit score will have an easier time getting approved for credit, will be given higher credit limits, and will pay...

  • Have you ever wondered how lenders determine who and how much credit they’re willing to extend? It becomes a really interesting and important question when you start to think about getting a loan, or mortgage, for a new home. Knowing which...

  • By: Alayna Pehrson – Digital Marketing Strategist at

    Approximately 7 out of every 10 Americans have at a least one credit card account and many have more than one. But don't let this statistic fool you; although the...

  • If your piggy bank feels empty and you need to save up a bit, you are not the only one. There are a lot of people on the same mission - going over their household expenses but without luck in spotting the right items to cut from...

  • By The Credit People

    It’s summertime and for most that means vacation....

  • In case you didn't know, identity theft can happen in a lot of ways. It is a serious crime where your personal information suffers the most. From your name to your driver's license or even Social Security Number, identity theft...

  • So, you’ve applied for a loan, new credit card, or saw your credit score though one of the many free services available these days and you didn’t like what you saw. Your first response is likely – how do I do quick credit repair...

  • In working to improve consumers’ credit scores we often hear initially, “Is there a credit fix that can help improve my credit score immediately?” This question usually comes from people that have recently discovered issues on...

  • So it’s the new year and a great opportunity to make positive changes in your life. One of the most important...

  • By: Alayna Pehrson -- Digital Marketing Strategist at Best Company

    With each new year, technology...

  • The second most heavily weighted factor in credit scoring is how much of your available credit you're actually using. The lower your balances compared to your credit limits, the better. Here are a few tips on paying down your debts to best serve...

  • Identity theft is very much in the news these days with the data breach at Equifax. And the fact is, if you have a credit report there’s a very good chance that you are one of the 143 million Americans affected. Unfortunately...

  • By The Credit People

  • The increasing rate of default occurring with home loans in America that was the spark of the financial crisis several years back. It was the delinquencies, although not enormous, that became impossible for some investment banks to bear due to...

  • The holidays are a great time of year. It’s a time to be with family and friends and to celebrate. A big part of...


    1. Pay Your Bills on Time This may seem like an obvious one, but it’s the most important. When lenders look over your credit report and get a credit score for you, they will always look at how reliable you are when paying your bills....
  • In personal finance terms a bankruptcy has a pretty significant negative impact on an individual’s credit score and their ability to...

  • According to the Cambridge Dictionary, credit repair is:

    The process by which a person or business improves their ability to borrow money, for example, by correcting wrong information in their credit...

  • What should I do first?

    According to the Federal Trade Commission, there is a long list of steps to take after realizing that your identity has been stolen:

    1. Contact one of the consumer reporting companies (Equifax, Experian, or...

  • The credit breach at Equifax and the personal data of millions of consumers stolen by the hackers has greatly increased awareness of just how significant the credit bureaus are in our lives. This is a good time to take a step...

  • By: Alayna Pehrson - Digital Marketing Strategist for

    Although the majority of retired...

  • John Oliver in his "Last Minute Tonight" segment on credit reports:

  • Your credit score is ultimately the main factor when considering you for credit or lending of any kind. In fact, lenders have become so dependent on credit scoring that they now make separate offers available to each credit score “bracket”. In...

  • By: Alayna Pehrson – Digital Marketing Strategist at Best Company  

    Money can buy a lot of things, but a good credit score isn't one of them. Some of the upper class may focus less on credit...

  • Why use credit repair? Okay, maybe that’s not a question that stirs you awake in the middle of the night with a burning desire to resolve. But actually it’s...


    One way to encounter your credit score and its importance is to simply channel surf on TV– for the commercials! And for many of those that you’ll run across – furniture stores running a holiday sale, auto dealers...


    "You don't have to be great to get started, but you have to get started to be great."

    -- Less Brown

    When you’re ready to get started, contact The Credit People® for a free consultation, visit our website...

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